From the Regional Math & Science Center at Grand Valley State University
April 2024 | Volume 31, Number 2

April is Citizen Science Month!

Citizen Science is open to ALL and involves curious and concerned people whose individual acts contribute to collective impact that’s accelerating scientific research, discoveries, and local actions that improve the world. From sharing photos of nature to help communities, planners, and scientists document biodiversity, to browsing images on your computer to help speed up research about Alzheimer's disease, to using your phone to help track microplastic and air quality, each of these Acts of Science is important.
Citizen Science article

Citizen Science April calendar

Student Scholars Day logo

GVSU Student Scholars Day: A Celebration of Student Research and Creative Work

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship at GVSU extends a warm invitation to the public, and especially teachers and students, to experience the research and creative endeavors of our students at the 28th annual Student Scholars Day on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
Student Scholars Day article

Connections for the STEM Classroom

GVSU faculty and area experts provide engaging ideas on current topics in research and education

Is Earth in a New Time Period: The Plasticene?

Nelson Rangel-Buitrago 1*, William Neal 2 and Kathleen Nicoll 3
1Programa de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
2Department of Geology, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, United States
3Department of Geography, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Plastic trash

Earth has a special calendar called the geologic time scale that helps us understand its long history. We are currently in the Holocene Epoch, but some scientists believe we have entered a new time called the Anthropocene or the “Age of Humans” because of our impact on the planet. One of the biggest changes humans have made is inventing and using plastic, which has now become a major pollutant. Because plastic is now found everywhere, some scientists, like us, think we have entered a new stage in Earth’s history called the Plasticene. Plastic can now be found in many places on Earth, even in rocks! Scientists are trying to understand the various types of plastic rocks and how they form, which might help us to better manage plastic pollution. Plastic waste is leaving a mark on our planet’s history, but there are ways we can help.

Read the article in Frontiers for Young Minds

What are your students doing this summer?

The RMSC is hosting STEM Camps!

Girl doing engineering
STudents at manufacturing facility

Engineering is Elementary Camp for Grades 1-5

Learn what it's like to be an engineer! Students will use the Engineering Design Process to solve problems through hands-on activities.
Engineering is Elementary article

Advanced Manufacturing Camp for Middle Schoolers

Advanced Manufacturing Camp is a five-day hands-on immersive for students entering 6th and 7th grade. 
Advanced Manufacturing Camp article

Young PI's Camp for High School Students

The Young PI's (Principal Investigator) Summer Scholar program is an initiative by the GVSU Honors college to provide experience and connections to high school students interested in STEM.
Young PI's article

For more information and to register for these camps and other camps offered by GVSU, visit
For a printable flyer of these STEM camps and other summer STEM events, visit the RMSC website.

Camps for Teachers

GenCyber Teacher Camp

The GenCyber camp is designed to help teachers deliver cybersecurity content into their curricula more effectively. This is designed to introduce more students to cybersecurity fundamentals, concepts, and ethics, and the emerging world of virtual reality. 
GenCyber Camp article

Engineering is Elementary Professional Development

Engineering is Elementary presents real world challenges that encourage students to explore multiple ways to solve a problem.
Engineering is Elementary article

Call for local educators to teach Muskegon Community College STEM camps

Muskegon Community College is looking for local educators to teach STEM camps for one or two weeks in July.
MCC camps article

STudents conducting research on GVSU AWRI DJ Angus boat

GVSU Annis Water Research Institute vessel D.J. Angus

Howmet Aerospace Sponsoring Muskegon Field Trips

Howmet Aerospace is sponsoring K-12 schools and out-of-school organizations in Muskegon with $400 towards transportation cost for field trips! 
Field Trip article

Check out the latest MiSTEM Network- Greater West Michigan Region Newsletter!

The MiSTEM Network is connecting education, businesses,and community partners across the state to transform the way Michigan does STEM.
MiSTEM Newsletter


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Page last modified April 5, 2024